Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wreck This Weekend: Post Two

That's right folks, it's time for another installment of Wreck This Weekend!!

I'm excited to share my pages with you...although looking at the flickr groups make me feel a little inadequate, but you know what? I am having fun so even if my finished project isn't like theirs it is still totally fun and worth it.

So without further adieu, I give you Week Two of Wreck This Weekend:

July 11th
You know, the directions didn't say to draw a tree, but based on the topic of the article I thought the tree was fitting. :)

July 12th
Because my voice will always be loud and I will occasionally screw up. No one should ever be able to make me feel bad about myself--including myself.

July 13th
This task was more like soccer and soccer never was my sport. Basketball, volleyball, and softball yes. Soccer? No. Journal soccer/golf? Definitely not. 

My 6 tries were made from about 18 inches away.

July 14th
Tape seemed to be the most sensible choice in this situation...

And I braided the tear strips page which would have turned out really cool if I had colored them before tearing them (see post one).

July 15th
This one was a lot of fun. I think that switching colors of pen would have also looked cool.

July 16th
Another fun one that reminded me of elementary school. I even carved the letter "J" out of a potato. This is one of my favorite pages.

July 17th
Tongue painting left my journal page more soggy than painted. At least now I know what a journal tastes like(?).

And that's Week Two of Wreck This Weekend.

What have you been wrecking lately? Journaling? Crafting? Photographing? Spill! :)

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