For instance, I recently decided to crochet a ninja. And being the free spirit that I am, I decided to make my own pattern for it.
So I set off with some black yarn and a G (4.25 mm) sized crochet hook. In about 15 minutes I had created the head of the ninja and started on the bandanna. A few more minutes and I had created this ninja head:

Ninja-like, right? I thought so, first.
As I tend to do, I soon started picking the pattern apart. Small changes to make it better, the curse of a perfectionist is in the details. I could spend hours ripping stitches for perfection.
The biggest change that I wanted to make was to add an actual face patch. As it is above, the ninja is very cartoonish and the placement of the eyes is a big factor. I think that the pattern would work well as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, but for an actual ninja's head? I just don't think it worked.
So with my modifications in mind, I set out to create the new ninja and I'm quite proud of the result:
A full view of the crocheted ninja head awesomeness:
Remember Spy vs. Spy from Mad magazine? This is my ninja head rendition--crochet style. Strung together on braided yarn for my husband. Now he can stop complaining that I never make him anything.
He's going to hang them on the rearview mirror in his car. Crocheting for guys is always tough. I'm quite proud that he deems them good enough to put on display.
Just think, I made this in my free time. Imagine what you could do!
And now I'm off to do some yoga. Good night all!

Yes, little phantom ninja head, I will find something for you to do, too. Coming soon...
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